It takes boldness and courage to move away from chemically relaxed hair to a path of natural freedom, whether you did the big chop or currently transitioning, you deserve to be awarded because it takes courage to make a big change in your life.
This is what you did, you created a path in creating versatility of hairstyles whilst helping your hair stay healthy in its truest form.
It will become an overwhelming process for you, but we want to keep things very simple and easy for you to follow, so we created digestible steps to help you on your way. If you would like to keep up to date on hair care tips and tricks, we have a Facebook group that you can join for FREE, you can sign up right here:
https://www.facebook.com/groups/164696260764791/ to post any hair concerns you may have and any tips you may want to share in the group.
We also have hair care coaching services that you can sign-up to here !
Determining your hair's texture (volume, length, porosity, width) will provide you with the information required to help select products catered to your hair's attributes. To really know how products will react in your hair, we suggest you experiment for at least 3 months to get an idea of the key ingredients your hair likes, take note of the key ingredients and stick to them.
Establishing a hair care regimen will help plan your wash days and will get you in good habits in caring for your hair. We want to be consistent as this will harbor great results in the end.
Find out what styles work best for your hair texture, and seek other naturals who have similar hair texture as you to help give you some guidance. We offer a hair care service that you can sign up to get some advice, haircare tips and tricks and more. Visit this link here for more information: https://naturesnaturalhair.com/pages/appointment-request-form
Creating a regimen helps to establish a clear and consistent system in caring for your natural hair. It is good practice to keep it simple and easy for you to follow until it becomes a natural process. We suggest planning what products you need first helps like your shampoo , conditioner, deep conditioner , leave-in conditioner and a styler f rom the same line is better especially in this beginning stage, you want to develop a cohesive process.
Next, you want to consider two factors when it comes to treatments for your hair, this step is very important and should not be missed. Natural hair needs a good balance of moisture and protein, you need to consider reaching for a hair mask or a moisturising deep conditioner we suggest to use it every 3 weeks, then a protein deep conditioner every month. This is dependant on whether your hair is required to be wash weekly or every other week. Start to consider oils to use to help seal in moisture, again if you understand your hair texture you will understand if your hair requires many light oils or heavier oils. You can adjust this routine once you learn what your hair needs.
To make it easier for yourself, we suggest washing your hair weekly, after cleansing your hair follow up with a conditioner as this helps with detangling and restores moisture after cleansing. Use a moisturising deep conditioner and allow your hair to steam with a steamer, a cap or a heated towel wrapped around your hair. Follow up with a leave-in conditioner this is usually water-based so it could double up as your water-based moisturizer. Often may style their hair with just a leave-in conditioner, but if you have thicker strands you may want to add a styler like a cream and follow up with an oil to seal in moisture into your hair.
You will find that your routine may change over a period of time but that is ok it is important to schedule a plan suited to your needs. The key thing is to observe and understand what your hair likes, understand what it needs and make provisions to rectify that.
This is the time to consider what hairstyles will work with your hair texture, you want to create styles that don't require too much manipulation in your hair. These styles protect the end of your hair from breakage and also exposure to the elements we come into contact with daily.
The ends of your hair are the oldest and most susceptible to damage. Protecting your ends will allow retained length.
Protective styles to consider are braided styles, two-strand twists, three-strand twist, and buns.
Having the right tools makes managing your hair a breeze, we have a few suggest tools to buy.
– Quality scissors leave ends clean and sharp.
Wide-tooth comb
– Wide-tooth comb is a staple.
Bobby pins
– Quality pins stay smooth and last longer which means their kinder to your hair they won't cause pulling on your strands.
Silk scarf
– It is good practice to cover your hair at night to help keep hair moisturised and prevent hair breaking when being rubbed against the bedding or pillows. You can use a silk pillowcase if wearing a headscarf is uncomfortable for you.
- Brush - The Denman Brush is your friend when it comes to detangling or the EZ brush which just tops them all.
- Scrunchies: They also don't rip out your hair as hair ties can, and they're way less likely to cause breakage
Exercise, water, and vitamins
Exercise helps to promote blood circulation to the scalp and hair follicles. It promotes hair growth and controls hair loss.
Water is the ultimate moisturizer. It gives your hair its elasticity thus preventing it from snapping/breaking. Aim to drink 8-10 cups of water a day. It’ll keep your hair and scalp hydrated.
Look to eat foods that provide your body and hair with the necessary nutrients it needs and don't forget to top up on your vitamins as well.
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